"A Musician must make music, an Artist must paint and a Poet must write, if he is to ultimately be at peace with himself. What one can be, one must be..." Abraham Maslow.
- Do you know what you must be?
- Do you know what it is that you identify as being?
- Do you know what you must become?
What do you identify yourself as? A Plumber, Painter, Butcher, Philosopher, Mother, Coach or Trainer?
Maslow, in his quote that I've written above, identifies the importance that each of us is to know what it is we must be. And to realise it by becoming it fully. To realise our potential and in doing so actualising ourselves. In essence, becoming that which we truly can!
Are you doing that today?
Did you contribute towards that yesterday?
Are you planning on doing that in the very near future?
Do you even know what it is that would be so fulfilling? So fulfilling that you would know you had become all that you can be!
Maslow writes that those who do not pursue who they must be, will ultimately be unhappy! So there's a connection - becoming the person I must be equals personal happiness. We seem to live in a world that pursues happiness byway of external activities. And the pursuit of happiness through others, yet in Maslows words it appears we can realise happiness by actualising ourselves by becoming the person we must.
- Who must you be?
- What is your purpose, here on planet earth?
- What is it that would truly fulfill your life's existence?
Big questions that you will need time to consider. Big questions that must be answered. Big questions; that in answering them you will know what it is that you must do daily to move closer to the person you are to become. Personal happiness will be found in the journey of actualising your potential in fulfilling that which you identify as being the ultimate expression of you. Just as the Musician must play music and the Artist must paint to be who they truly are. In doing so they express their essence, their very being is magnified in the activity they have committed themselves to. And in doing so, a sense of true personal fulfillment is experienced by them.
In brief, it appears that a fulfilling life is a life of actualising that which expresses your highest sense of self. For you - what is it? What is it that truly expresses the being within?
A Boys Journey
As a young boy I wanted to be a soldier and serve in the Army. As I grew up I found myself serving an apprenticeship as a Butcher. Later I became a Gym Owner and worked within the Fitness Industry. From one job to another, to another, to another. Fulfilling me momentarily.
Now, as a Corporate Trainer & Executive Meta-Coach I recognise a unique point that wasn't present in all of my previous jobs since leaving school. I no longer think of what I do as work. Work was once laborious, whereas what I do now is a labour of love. What was once laborious is now joyous. I don't even think of it as "work" anymore - more as a conviction. These distinctions, though small, are huge in determining whether what we do daily is in fact an actualising activity. Would I do it if I suddenly won $10,000,000's? Yes I would! Sadly many are working in jobs that are unfulfilling and meaningless. If anyone of them had a lotto win-fall they wouldn't turn up to work the very next day! This is a simple measure scenario of whether what you are doing is fulfilling you daily. If it is not - what will?
To find that which we must become, is to find the meaning of life. A life that has meaning and purpose. A life which you will daily contribute to, and in doing so, experience happiness and personal satisfaction in your career.
So... what is it that you must become. Once you know this, then you must become it!