Kia ora and welcome...


Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog site.

For those of you visiting from overseas. Welcome to the shores of New Zealand. Kia ora and welcome.

As you can tell I haven't made a posting here since back in October 2009! It's been a while hasn't it? So it's time to start again and I'll do that this week and make it a regular thing with no less than 2 updates a week.

I'll also make them no more than 600 words which should equate to a 3minute read for you. I'm hoping this will give you time to read and return for the next blog while gaining a useful key point while you're here.

Enjoy your visit! And return soon...

Sunday, May 16, 2010

If NOT You Then Who?

Give these questions some though for a moment:
  • Would you like people to notice the work you've been doing?

  • Would you like people to think of you when they need a person with your skills and knowledge?

  • Would you like to gain that promotion or advance your career?

If so then read on...

We have a cultural leaning away form any form of self promotion. That it is wrong to "...put the wind in your own sails". Here in New Zealand we are advised to "...let you efforts speak for themselves". By doing so, apparently you will be recognised by your works and gain promotion and recognition over time!

Here's a question for you... "Is your career important to you?"

My guess is you answered "Yes!" to that question. My reply to you then, is this:

"If it is so important to you. Why do you leave it to chance or other people to determine whether your efforts are recognised or not?"

Have you noticed how it is often easier for you to speak well of others and not yourself? Have you also noticed how famous people have image consultants, event managers and promotional experts working for them? And more importantly have you noticed that these famous people will also promote themselves and their accomplishments to the right people? That's right - they are capable of promoting themselves directly to others. In fact, often that is how they 1st started out. By knocking on doors and telling those who needed to hear how good they are. They did this on their way to becoming a world wide sensation. If you don't believe me then listen to some of the foundational speaches of Barak Obama's pursuit of the US Presidency, as an example of successful self promotion.

It's Not My Style
It's likely that you will initially struggle with this concept. That self promotion is not only important for your career's success, it is critical. I'm not talking about bragging to any and every one. I'm not talking about false declarations and nor am I talking about you pumping up your worth by being conceited while putting others down.

No! - What I am talking about is strategically positioned and well timed self promotional statements that promote your abilities and accomplishments in such away, that people become aware of what it is your doing and achieving.

If you're not going to do this and do this well - then who? Will you diligently work away at your job and leave it to others to "hopefully" recognise your efforts - or NOT?

Begin NOW
The need for you to be able to say positive statements about yourself and your abilities is integral in contributing to your success. (Think back to your last job interview). Self promotion is not about you braging, being a blow arse or a show-off! It's about you knowing who needs to know about you. It's about finding the appropriate way that you will let them know that you exist and are making a difference.

This will require you to learn how to do this and do this well.

Begin by making a list of who you are. Include in your list the personality qualities that you have i.e. motivation, diligence, collaboration, stick-ability etc... and format a short 15 second presentation that you can say confidently to others. In addition to this write one down about your success either at work or at home and in your personal life. Make this presentation as breif as a few seconds and as long as 20 seconds. Practice it and get good at being able to speak well of yourself. This will not only be good for opportunities that lend themselves to self-promotion but also for you to gain increased confidence in being able to speak well of yourself.

Once you've done that you'll need to be aware of opportunites that arise where you can speak well of yourself. It could be as brief as standing with a senior managersof yours in an elevator and letting them know that you are making excellent gains on a project they initiated (even if you haven't met them before) or it could be at a business dinner where you have an opportunity to explain the progress you are making with your team, budget, planning, intervention etc... Less is always better than too much. And to not do this is worst of all.

For now - this will be enough for you to make a start on your self promotion campaign. Practice it often and then look for opportunities to speak positively of yourself to those people that need to know.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More Goal Models

I seem to be on bit of run with this goal setting stuff. This is my 4th blog on tips and technques on how to do goal setting and planning and I'm sure I'm going to write another after this!

So... read each of them and take from them what works for you in the coaching situation you find yourself.

Trainers: This is an often needed training program so I'm confident there's info here that will add to what you currently do in delivering goal setting & goal getting for your clients.

I'm not convinced that any one of the models I've presented are complete in themselves, yet combined they are exceptional.

This is my version of the SCORE model popularly found in NLP and orginated from Robert Dilts of the USA. It's a simple model (always my preference), yet very effective (a great combination).

The S.C.O.R.E Model:

This is about the current situation your coaching client faces. The problem on hand - now. The way things are for your client NOW. Each of the components of SCORE have a specific time frame you need to be aware of. Exploring the SITUATION is about discovering what's happening in the moment. What are they faced with? How bad is it or not? By doing this you can create a strong move away from if it's a bad situation or a situation that they wish to address i.e. they be doing well and would like to be doing much better.

The questioning that you do at this stage will give you a great deal of information. As you do and find out what they are experiencing, you'll also discover what possible options emerge to assist them to improve the situation they find themselves in.

This is about what has happened that lead to or caused (another "c") the current situation that they have. Your questions at this stage are about the past. Questions that discover what has happened to cause the current situation are asked of your client.
  • What caused this?
  • How long has this been happening?
  • What decisions have lead to the situation?
  • What are the circumstances that happened to create this situation?

These questions plus the one's you have asked about the current situation, gather information to assist you in finding a way forward. Not in all situations is it necessary for you to find the "cause". It most definitely is possible for us to coach a person to a solution, without knowing the cause or circumstances of "why" they have the situation.

So knowing the situation the client is in and the "circumstances" that have happened to put them in their current "situation" - what do they want?

This is the outcome question - "What do you want?" This question is future orientated and about what they want that is beyond their current situation. This requires them to be aware of what they have and where they want to be (gained from situation and circumstance).

Your questions will be about setting the outcome or goal they want to achieve:

  • What do you want?
  • What will change the curent situation?
  • Knowing that you have what you have what do you want?
  • How would you like things to be for you rather than what you have?
  • What's the solution to your situation?
  • What needs to happen so this never happens again?
These questions or similar variations of them, will focus the client on creating a way forward. Be very specific in defining what it is they want. Be precise at this stage and seek clarity of the exact goal or solution that will right the wrong or increase their experience. You will need to ask questions about your clients time frames, location, direction and intention (not all may be appropriate). Moving them on and beyond the situation and circumstances of the present and past.

Footnote: An important couple of questions to ask here are:

  • How will you know you have achieved it?
  • What is the evidence that will let you know that you have achieved your outcome?
These questions give clarity and specificity to them knowing they have achieved their outcome.

Having decided on the solution the next stage is decide on what the resources are that will support the outcome to be realised. The resources decided on will be a combination of internal and external resources i.e. attitude, mindsets, material or practical support items. Quality control the resources chosen. The questions asked at this stage, look and sound like:
  • What do you need to gain the resources to achieve your outcome?
  • What needs to happen to secure the resources?
  • Are the resources available to you now?
  • What do you need to do to gain these resources?
  • When will you do this?
  • Are the resources you need within your personal control - if not what needs to happen to gain their support?
Each of their resources may need to be goals in themselves and require time frames and specific steps to gain the necessary resources. Be specific about each of the resources identified and quality control check them as being required to achieve their outcome.

This is the risk management component of the goal getting acronym SCORE. Questions asked here are questions that bring awareness of the effect of achieveing their goal. It will also include questions that ask about the ecology, expense and effort (all e's) required to achieve their outcome. These questions will be similar to:
  • What if it doesn't work?
  • What are the risks?
  • What could may hinder your progress?
  • What's worse case scenario for you?
  • Are you prepared to make the effort required of you?
  • When things could go wrong & what will you do - what is the solution?
  • Are you prepared for both the positive and negative effects of you achieving your outcome?
By doing this you will make the outcome more robust and complete for your client. Ensuring their succes and inturn yours as their coach or trainer. Problems may come up as a result of these questions. If so, ask what the solutions are and the resources needed to overcome any possible setback.

Closing Comments:
All right then!

There you go. That'll get you going - for now.

Remember to incorporate some or all of the other techniques I've written and I am confident you will have at your disposal an excellent goal setting model. Wishing you well...

Picture: At the top: Robert Dilts - not met him yet but thought it'd be good to picture him here as it's originator.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Passion Plus Talent

Talent will get you noticed, passion will ensure you maximise your talents.

Have you got lots of talent and no passion?

Well there's a massive human talent pile, stacked higher than high with men and woman, boys and girls since the beginning of time who have no shortage of talent. Each and every talent they had was allowed to fade & fizzle away, because they had no passion to apply themselves and realise the talent they had been endowed with from birth. Give me a person with minimal talent, yet full of fired up passion - any day!

Talent will get you noticed and provide you with pride of place at the start line. It'll be passion though, that ensures you cross the finish line in 1st place. Not talent.

I don't think any of you will argue that passion supersedes talent. Over my many years as a Gym instructor and then a multiple gym owner I have seen many with what is called, natural born talent. Genetically, they have the total package, yet they lack the enduring drive to succeed that only passion can provide.

How's your level of passion for what you do? Take away passion and you'll have a job and not a life long conviction. Take away passion and you will be going through the motions longing for what you don't have. Time slows down, the body aches and you wish you were paid far more than you are to compensate for the day to day drudgery you endure.

When speaking with long term unemployed I would often use the statement - "Find a job you love and you will never spend another day going to work". It's likely you have heard the quote before, yet it describes the basis of a successful and fulfilling career.

Passion changes your perspective for what you do. It fuels the fire within you to endure hardships, unfair setbacks, and is found at the very core of all human resilience. Now, take that initial quote I said before and extend it even further:

"Find a job you are absolutely passionate about. One that you would do even if you were not paid to do it. Get really good at it and people will ultimately pay you handsomely for it"

Is it this that over arches all human success? Is it this that separates the "could-haves" from the "haves"? Is it this that determines the height of our success and the depths of our failings?

Show me a successful businessman, a world champion, a school graduate who passes with honors and you will find a level of personal passion in each one of them. The varying degrees of passion within them will determine their long term level of success, or not.

What are you passionate about? What turns your lights on? What fires you up or gets your wheels spinning? What? Does anything come to mind? If you had financial security and all your usual considerations and commitments have been taken care of. What would you want to do for a career? Think about it. What would you do?

Once you have answered that question. Apply yourself whole heartily to the pursuit and fulfillment of it. Let nothing hold you back. You will set all obstacles aside and nothing will stop you from succeeding. You will toil day in and day out. Others go to work and you are living your dream.

Life will ask of you to commit every fibre of your being to your passion, yet you will do so gladly. For that is what passion does, for those who find their true north in life and live out their passion. Whether it is in a career, sport, hobbie or study. Find your passion and live it. And your life will change before you.

"It's not what catches your eye as you journey through life, it is what touches your heart".

Picture: The logo at the top is of David Tua. He fights this saturday against Shane Cameron
- "Go the Tua-man!"

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


You probably know the S.M.A.R.T. acronym for the specific criteria required for goal setting. Well I wasn't all that happy with it and I have made some changes to it for you to consider. Here they are:

You don't want just S.M.A.R.T. goals, NO what you need are S.M.A.R.T.E.R goals!

This is not the entire presentation I give on this "updated" model of SMART. I'll give you the basics and then can you add to each of them and make it your own.

Be specific about what you want. If you are too vague or general in describing your goal you are diluting your ability to achieve it. Be very detailed about what you want and ask questions like: (some may be more relevant than others)

  • What exactly do you want?
  • When exactly do you want it?
  • What does it look like, sound like & feel like?
  • How much of it do you want?
  • How will you know when you have achieved it?
  • How will you fully describe this in see, hear observe language?

When being specific I recommend that you ensure that your description of what you want is not just in detail but also include sensory based wording i.e. what will you see? what will you hear? How will you know you have achieved your goal? - specifically using visual, auditory and observable wording to describe this.

When your goal is meaningful you most certainly will achieve it. You need to know "why?" you want it and be conscious of the meaning you have placed on it - daily. To put more passion in your pursuit you need to ask the question "...why do I want this?" You need to ask it 8-12 times and be generous with your answers. Take this seriously. What will you say if asked to speak for 7 minutes on the reason why you are committing yourself to achieveing this goal?

Once you have all your answers written down, focus on the 3 most important ones on your list and visualise these 3 in detail. Absorb yourself in them and commit to being aware of them daily and especially when the going gets tough. Visualise yourself having difficulties in achieving your goal and remind yourself at that time of the 3 key resons why you want to achieve your goal. The 3 reasons will become a driving force that bolsters your determination to overcome any and all setbacks that you may face along the way.

When your goal is full of meaning - you will not be stopped!

ATTITUDE: Your attitude is a priority when it comes to ensuring your success when goal setting.

  • How resilient will you need to be?
  • How disciplined do you need to be?
  • What is the specific attitude that you need to ensure you get what you want?
  • What state of mind do you need to be successful?

These questions need to be answered and you need to consider both the best and worst case scenrio's and have the attitude that will get you through any and all difficulties that you may face. Having the ability for you to access the right attitude may be beyond you as this is a specialist field. What I suggest, if you do not know how to do this, then seek out a Neuro Semantic Meta-Coach or an NS Trainer. They'll get this sorted for you - easily. Remember, attitude is everything, when it comes to getting what you want.

RESOURCES: To succeed it is highly likely you'll need support. This may require financial, personal, intellectual support. It may be as complex as an extensive marketing and business plan or as simple as calling a friend. These resources may be either internal resources (attitude and mindset) or external resources (money, car, shoes etc...). Your list of resources needs to be well researched and tested, so that you will have all that you need, to achieve your goal.

  • What do you need so you can achieve your goal?
  • What assistance do you need?
  • Where will you go to get help?
  • What help do you need?

  • TIME: Your goal will need to be time bound. The goal needs to have both a start and stop dates.You'll need both short and longer sequenced time frames. This will let you know whether you are on target to achieve your goal.

    • When will you start?

    • What are shorter timeframes of achievement that you'll review your progress?

    • When will you have achieved key milestones along the way?

    • When will you achieve your end desired goal?

    • How long will this take you?
    Another thing to consider is whether it is timely now to begin or would be better to wait for a time in the very near future. This addresses seasonal demands, preparedness time constraints and the need to align with other time frames that may be out of your control. i.e. a goal of learning to ski may not be possible until the winter months.

    ECOLOGY This is a step that is often overlooked. In all your zest to work towards your goal you miss considering what could go wrong and whether there is the possibility that achieveing your goal, could negatively impact you. Take time to think this through.

    What could go wrong?
    • What danger is there?

    • What is out of my control and how will address that?

    • Am I prepared for worse case scenarios?
    Your answers here could reveal that you need to address with resources some additional points. If that is the case, revisit the other categories of SMART. In doing so, you will have a more robust plan to maximise your success.

    RESET & REVIEW: Set specific times where you will review your progress.
    • Is my plan working?
    • What is and what is not working?
    • What changes need to be made?
    • What is relevant and what is not?
    • Am I on time or am I ahead of time?
    Reviews are valuable to ensure consistant progress takes place and also is a must for you once you have achieved your goal. At the end of a goal reset new goals. I have found as you may also, that it is the pursuit of a goal that makes life rewarding not the attainment of it.

    The SMARTER formula is a simplistic yet valuable goal setting formula. It is not what I consider a well rounded and complete personal success model. But, it does have a number of the key points necessary for you to achieve what you want. Do read my earlier article on what they didn't tell you about goal setting.

    I hope this helps in giving you a base from which to set your personal goals from. I will be offering challenging views of what is consdiered necessary criteria in goal setting found in NLP and Neuro Semantic goal setting known as a Well formed Outcome. Revist later this month for that info.

    Monday, September 7, 2009

    Goal Setting Success

    Following my last Blog, I thought I'd write you some important stages in coaching a person to formulating a goal and ensure all the parts are present. I'm assuming that you will apply the tips I gave you in the previous blog. I find the popular S.M.A.R.T. formula of goal setting rather tedious and present in this and my previous blog another alternative.
    I encourage you to take the 10 goal setting tips I wrote earlier and use this framework to attach those previous important points to and as a result further increase the possibility of you achieving what you want.


    Stage 1): KNOW WHAT YOU WANT
    I'm going to break this 1st stage down to it's smaller components so you can be more specific in getting this 1st important step right.

    You need to KNOW what you want. That is, you are to have the "know-ledge" of what you want. If you do not know what you want, then allow yourself to dream, imagine or consider what it is that you want for your life. There is a real need (in my humble opinion) to know that life without a goal to pursue is a life that is not being self-actualised. I'm not going to fully justify why I am saying that. I will say in brief, that I'm wanting you to know that the pursuit of a goal, whatever it is, brings a greater level of meaning and satisfaction to your life, rather than for you to vegetate and surrender to doing nothing with your life on a regular, long term basis (for some this is a full time occupation).

    A personal goal will give you a sense of direction and purpose. A goal-less life, is a life that has less meaning and less purpose. I hope that is enough for you to consider setting yourself a goal. And doing it quickly. Be it a short-term or long-term goal, but a goal all the same. You may want to start with something small and build up to setting larger and more bodacious goals as you grow in confidence in goal achieving.

    You need to know what you want. It's important that YOU want it. The first stage that's needed for you, is that what you want, MUST be something that YOU and YOU alone - want! It is not to be something that you want, because he or she (Mum or Dad) wants you to have it as a goal. The focus that I am wanting you to have at this stage is that you are pursuing your goal because YOU want it.

    Lastly - Whatever it is that you know you want. You must WANT it. You will achieve it if you want it enough. It's the want that will drive you forward and break through any and all setbacks. When you want it and want it with every cell of your mind and body you will have it.

    Too often we say we want something and it is not a WANT it's only a WISH! Do you want it? Does it fill your being with desire to posses it? When you want at this level you will achieve it you will get what you want. The main thing that stops you from having what you want is not the knowing of what you want -it is the lack of wanting. To want it more and more ask yourself the question why? Why do you want it? Why else do you want it and ask this question some 7-12 times and make a list and quickly become embroiled in the 3-5 main reasons why you want it and be conscious of it throughout your day. Increase your initial desire for what you want by being mindful of the WHY that drives you to want to achieve your goal.

    Stage 2): TAKE ACTION
    Once you know what you want it's time to do something about it. Not just anything but a planned and strategic approach to specific, practical steps that lead you towards what you want. (read that sentence again and again till you get it).

    Here are some questions that you will need to answer, so that you take calculated and practical steps in actioning your goal. Some may be more relevant than others.

    • Do you know what you need to be doing to get what you want?

    • Who do you need to speak to?

    • When will you start taking action?

    • When will you achieve it exactly?

    • What do you need so you can achieve your goal?

    • What resources do you need, both internal and external resources?

    • Who needs to support you in your goal achieving journey?

    • What is you 1st, 2nd and 3rd steps?

    • What are you going to do in the short-term?

    Apply the answers that you have and put them into an action plan. Be detailed in the writing of your plan. Leaving nothing out. Make it clear and precise. The more precise you are in the action steps that you write into your plan, the higher the likelyhood of you achieving what you want. Spare no detail when making an action plan. This stage will give you confidence and formulate a more complete understanding of the effort required of you.

    I want you to now address the possible risks, setbacks or self-sabotage that may occur in taking action while in the pursuit of your goal. Use the following questions to assist you in minimising the likelihood of you failing.

    • What could possibly go wrong for you?

    • What may sabotage your efforts?

    • What will you do to overcome any setbacks?

    • What are the possible negative impacts that may happen, when you achieve your goal?

    • What solutions do you have to successfully address all your setbacks?

    Taking action without monitoring your progress is fool hardy. Working hard, without realising whether you are actually moving in the right direction, the goal and supporting actions, soon becomes meaningless. To avoid wasting your efforts you must regularly monitor your progress. I've listed a few questions to prompt you to accurately monitor your progress or not.

    • Are your actions taking you towards or away from your goal?

    • When will you check you progress?

    • What are the specific times or dates that you will check your progress?

    • How will you know that you are making progress?

    • What will you do if you are not on track?

    • Will you use a 3rd party to monitor your progress?

    • When things go wrong and your efforts wasted what will you do to get back on track?

    • Are you willing to accept your efforts have been wasted and are you able to make the appropriate changes to realign yourself with your goal?

    Write your answers into your action plan to ensure you have, specific monitoring milestones, to check that your progress is taking place and you are on track.

    Goal Setting Summary
    Once you have worked through the 4 stages and also integrated the 10 important tips that I have listed in my earlier blog, you are now well prepared to pursue your goal. Pursue it with absolute gusto. Let nothing distract you from possessing what you want. Enjoy every moment and every step along the way.
    Wishing you well as you strive towards your goals.