Kia ora and welcome...


Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog site.

For those of you visiting from overseas. Welcome to the shores of New Zealand. Kia ora and welcome.

As you can tell I haven't made a posting here since back in October 2009! It's been a while hasn't it? So it's time to start again and I'll do that this week and make it a regular thing with no less than 2 updates a week.

I'll also make them no more than 600 words which should equate to a 3minute read for you. I'm hoping this will give you time to read and return for the next blog while gaining a useful key point while you're here.

Enjoy your visit! And return soon...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Reject Rejection!

"No Thanks".

"I don't like what you've done".

"No! Not at all, and don't come back!"

"We regretfully write to inform you that..."

"I don't love you anymore..."

Any of those statements sound familiar? Heard anyone of them before? Maybe you've heard similar comments at some stage of your life. Let's call it by the name we most commonly know it by. Rejection.

Doesn't matter how you view it or listen to it. A rejection statement means just that. Piss off! Get out of here! Cut a track! Make like a tree, and leave! or the more common statement of - "F!#k off, and don't come back!"

Salespeople; Teachers; Coaches; Trainers; Managers; Receptionists; Telephonists; Politicians; Doctors & Nurses, and yes - you also; will face a moment of rejection or 2 (more like 1,000's) in your lifetime.

Is It Possible?

Can we overcome rejection? Can we rise above it and never allow it to taint us? Can we continually face rejection and remain unharmed by its barbs?

YES! Yes you can - most definitely. So... time for 3 principles that will quickly empower you to sail directly into the winds of rejection, and remain calm and centred when the words of rejection comes your way.

1: People do NOT reject YOU. They reject their thoughts about you:

It's never about you. Hell stop thinking your the centre of the universe. People think what they will and do not because of who you are or the product you sell, but what they personally think about it based on their own filtered perceptions and past experiences. They base their opinion about you on what they think. Be aware, that their thoughts and opinions about you are NOT YOU! Embrace that understanding fully - "People are not rejecting me. They are rejecting what they think I am, not actually who I am as a person because they do not actually know me". Furthermore, no person can reject another. This leads me to principle 2.

2: No one can reject me, only I am entrusted with that personal power:
The only person that can reject you is YOU! Wow - what a power. The power to esteem oneself and the power to discount oneself, and amazingly the power to reject oneself is all within your grasp. Count yourself as being valuable, worthy and accepting of who you are and who you are not. In doing so you fully accept, appreciate and honor yourself and overcome all forms of rejection the world will throw at you. You are one of a kind! You are completely unique and gifted with the power to fully embrace, and count yourself, or to reject yourself. No one else can do this apart from you. STOP allowing others to reject you, and claim your personal power back, standing firm, knowing that no man, woman or child can reject you - ever.

3: Rejection lays in the mind of the believer: Stop believing that others can, will, and do reject you. Come on now. Think about what you are doing by accepting that another can possibly reject you. You're giving your power away. You're believing that people can control you. That others determine how you think and feel and your personal worth. That you're emotional well being is manipulated by others and you are nothing more than their puppet. One day they accept you and the next day they reject you.

Who is in charge! Is this what you want? Is this the true meaning of life for you? NO! No more saying yes to believing that others can reject you and YES! to believing principles 1 & 2 above. Believe with certainty that no other person, letter; email or phone call can reject you. Not now, not ever! And now, celebrate your power of choice; of believing that no other person can possibly reject you.

Imagine for a moment how that will be in the days to come. FREE from rejection. Notice how the statements that would normally have rattled you a little or a lot now fall to the ground. Unable to attach themselves to you. At last free you're free from being rejected by others. Imagine what you'll be like when someone attempts to reject you in the future.

Knock... knock...

Conceive; believe and achieve! Rejection wont came round here no more! And, if it does, I wont be answerin' the door!

Many people are bound up by their concern of fear of being rejected. Stopping them from being who they can be personally & professionally. Act on the points I've listed above, and mentally play out in your mind, meaningfully, how it's no longer an option for you to allow others to reject you.

Have a great day, till next time - keep smiling!

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